January 2, 2010
The fact of the Christian life is Christ working in and through the believer. To put the heavy burden of the cross or servanthood on an unregenerate person would be certain failure. The only reason we believe that we can walk in these principles is because we believe that Christ is alive "in us."
Because of our understanding of life being lived "in Christ," we are pressed to grow in our relationship to Him. Teachings such as abiding, drawing life from God or walking in the Spirit are wrapped up in valuing the life of Christ that is in us.
While coming to the end of our own lives through embracing death to the old man, we move ahead with great faith for what God is doing in us through Christ.
The life of the Cross is not one of retreat. It is one that releases the power of the resurrected Christ to flow out of the believer's life.
Christ imparts gifting, grace, ability, courage and every good gift.
While understanding with Paul, "No good thing dwells in me, that is my flesh," members of Lexington Christian Fellowship also understand a life full of faith in what God is doing in us.
Believing that God is going to get glory through the church as a whole, we believe that the hope for that is Christ in each believer.
In character, we believe that the power of God can cause believers to walk in true holiness. In gifting, we believe that He manifests Himself in each believer according to His will. These two manifestations form the whole of Christ in us; who we are and what we do. It is all summed up in Christ.